Welcome new and returning families to the 2024-2025 school year!
The MMPTO’s role is to support the Manchester Memorial Staff providing them with funds for their classrooms, and also financing innovative enrichment programming to each child. On average, the MMPTO spends $30,000 a year on staff support, enrichment programs, and community events.
President: Lisa Watkins
Treasurer: Becky Stephenson
Vice Treasurer: Kori DiMaio
Enrichment Co Chairs: Betsy Daitch and Lisa Manganiello
MMES PTO Board 2024-2025
Chairpersons 2024-2025
Teacher Appreciation: Miranda Gaudet and Jen Migonis
Book Fair: Emily Snyder
Hi the Street Little Feet 5k: Kelley Kelly and Jen Migonis
Year Book: Alicia Palmer and Sarah Chamberlain
5th Grade Coordinator: Jess Gariano
Square One Art Coordinator: Becky Stephenson
So many new items to choose from! We are lucky to partner with Beverly company Todd’s, and offer you a wide section of gear for children and adults. Heading to a ME football game this fall? Grab a hornet blanket! Sneaking in a few last beach trips? We’ve got boat totes! Has your child grown out of all their winter clothes? We have hoodies AND sweatpants!